An interesting silk purse made up of two parts separated by an internal steel plate. The strawberry coloured woven silk has faded to a pale pink but the green silk has kept its colour. Close up there are rows of honeycomb patterned fawn threads through which the silks appear to be woven. The back section of the purse is finished with a fringe of steel beads whilst the front has a tassel.
Inside the original strawberry colour is evident as the silk lining has disintegrated. The pierced steel plate is stamped 'Depose Paris' meaning the design was protected. c 1860
In excellent condition. I'm unsure as to whether the vibrant red threads attaching the two bags to the frame are original as they would have looked very conspicuous when new.
14 x 6.5 cm including the tassel.
5.75 x 2.5 inches
Stock no. JR41